Anointing of the Sick
Sacrament of the sick – Housebound
The priests of the parish attend to our sick in hospitals and at home. Many like to receive the sacrament of the sick and are strengthened and affirmed. If you would like to receive the sacrament of the sick or know someone who would please contact any of the priests or the Parish Office: 099 20839 or 086-1030405.
What Is the Sacrament of the sick
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is exactly what it says. It is a prayerful celebration for someone or for a group of people who are ill and are blessed by the priest with Holy Oil. It is not a sign that someone is dying as it was perceived in olden times. It is not a magical ritual; the person doesn’t automatically get better immediately after an anointing. God’s healing and loving presence are called upon that the sick person might be raised up and restored to health.
The words of blessing over the oil say it all. It is “oil intended to ease the sufferings of your people”. Oil soothes and heals. Oil blessed for the sick is a sign of the Anointed One (Messiah) of God. The person so anointed receives the healing, saving power of the One who saves (Messiah).
The oil that is used is Olive Oil. The Bishop and priests bless it at the ‘Chrism Mass’ on Holy Thursday in the Cathedral.The holy oils are then taken each year to each parish and hospital for use throughout the year in the Sacrament of the Sick.
A person is anointed on the forehead and the palms of the hands while the priest says: “Through this holy anointing may the Lord in his love and mercy help you by the grace of the Holy Spirit. May the Lord who heals you, save you and raise you up.”
Who Can Be Anointed?
Anyone in ‘serious illness’, those who are infirm, in advanced years, or anyone prior to surgery. (It is not only for when a person is in ‘danger of death’.)
Sacraimint na nEaslán- dream atá ag Coinneáil an Tí
Freastalaíonn sagairt an pharóiste ar na heasláin sna hospidéil agus sa mbaile. Is maith le go leor Sacraimint na nEaslán a fháil agus airíonn go bhfaigheann siad cothú agus spreac as. Dá mba mhaith leatsa Sacraimint na nEaslán a fháil, nó go bhfuil a fhios agat duine ar mhaith leo é a fháil, déan teagmháil le duine ar bith de na sagairt nó le hOifig an Pharóiste: 099 20839 nó 086-1030405.
Céard é Sacraimint na nEaslán?
Is éard é Sacraimint Ungadh na nEaslán ná an rud díreach atá á rá ann. Is comóradh, trí phaidreacha, é do dhuine nó slám daoine atá tinn agus a ungann an sagart le hOla Bheannaithe. Ní comhartha é go bhfuil duine ag fáil bháis mar a ceapadh sa tseanaimsir. Ní deasghnáth draíochtúil é, ní gá go bhfaigheann duine biseach láithreach i ndiaidh na hola a bheith curtha orthu. Iarrtar ar Dhia a theacht i láthair lena bhiseach agus lena ghrá le go bhfeabhsóidh na heasláin agus go bhfaighidh siad a sláinte ar ais arís.
Míníonn focla na beannachta os cionn na hola chuile rud. Is “ola atá ceaptha faoiseamh a thabhairt ó fhulaingt bhur ndaoine” é. Tá cneasú agus suaimhneas san ola. Is comhartha an ola a bheannaítear do na heasláin ar Ungthach (Meisias) Dé. Faigheann an té a gcuirtear an ola seo orthu cumhacht slánaithe agus leighis an Té sin a shlánaíonn (Meisias).
Is Ola Olóige a úsáidtear. Beannaíonn an tEaspag agus na sagairt é Déardaoin Beannaithe ag an ‘Aifreann Chriosma’ san Ardeaglais. Ansin chuile bhliain tugtar an ola chuig gach paróiste agus ospidéal le n-úsáid ar feadh na bliana do Shacraimint na nEaslán.
Cén chaoi?
Ungtar duine trí ola a chur ar a mbaithis agus ar bhosa na lámh le linn don sagart a bheith ag rá: Tríd an ungadh naofa seo, go gcabhraí an Tiarna trína ghrá agus a thrócaire leat, le grá an Spioraid Naoimh. An Tiarna a thugann faoiseamh duit go sábhála agus go n-ardaí sé thú”.
Cé ar a gcuirtear an Ola?
Cuirtear an ola ar an té atá go dona tinn, ar dhream i ndrochshláinte, ar dhream amach sna blianta nó ar an té atá ag dul faoi obráid. (Ní gá go mbeadh duine i mbaol báis).